Google Chrome latest version update Users Warned by Government 2022

Google Chrome Users Warned by Government to Stay Safe Google Chrome latest version Otherwise maybe big loss.

In the age of this technology, everyone has a smartphone, all people use the Google Chrome browser in the phone, for all those users, Google has brought the latest version 105.05195.102  keeping in mind the security.

All Google Chrome users need to update as soon as possible Google released an update sometime back which protects against zero-day vulnerability loss but with zero vulnerability update, black hackers are misusing users data. Is.


Google Chrome latest version update

To prevent this, Google has recently told through a block post that hackers are misusing this Vulnerable Update, to fix it, they found all the bugs and found a new version of Chrome browser on Windows, Linux, and Mac. Is. has been released.


Google has clearly said to update it as soon as possible. Failure to do so may result in heavy losses. Because black hackers can easily hack Google Chrome or attack a virus, there may be a risk of deleting all the data of the users. This update has been brought to protect users from such attacks.

update google chrome Browser

In an ongoing announcement made by Google in a Block post, this issue has apparently been patched in detail and is being further improved, thanks to the large security expertise being tested and updated.

This post-zero day vulnerability update was seen by a security refiner on August 8.


How to Update Google Chrome on Your Computer/Laptop

Step 1 First of all open google chrome in your window

Step 2. Click on the three dots option in the upper right corner of the window.



Step 3. Click on the Help option at the second last.


Step 4. Then click on the About Google Chrome option.



Step 5. Click on the Update Google Chrome option.

Step 6. After some time the update process completes

Step 7. Last, after that you have to close the window again and start again.



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